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11/07/23 11:46 AM #186    


Jeffery Gossett

Doug Yost class of 1970 passed away in October. He did not want any notices or service.

He was a good man and a good friend.

11/07/23 04:28 PM #187    


Christopher L Warwick (Warwick)

Doug and I were in grade school together at St. Matthews. He was a great guy. 
RIP Doug and God speed. 

11/08/23 10:15 AM #188    


Pamela K Davitz

I remember Andrew as a very kind, nice person. John, thank you for posting this. My sympathy to Andrew's family and friends.

02/08/24 06:31 PM #189    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

We're takin' it to the streets!
All '60's & '70's Class Block Party
September 21, 2024
Third & Belle
For more details and to stay up-to-date, please accept my FB invitation or request to be added to the FB page for the All '60's & '70's Class Party. It promises to be an awesome time! As soon as we have the band secured we'll let you know.
The event is FREE! 
(food and drinks will be available for purchase outside of Mac's)
I tried to invite everyone I could to the FB page, but many classmates have duplicate pages, some classmates don't use social media, and some seldom check their invites.
Here is a direct link to the All All '60's & '70's Class Party:
Should be a BLAST!!!

03/16/24 07:27 PM #190    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)


Who uses this website?

Do you use or not use our Facebook page (Alton Senior High School Class of 1970)?

How often do you come to this website?

Thank you!

03/16/24 08:31 PM #191    


Marilyn J Gissler (Stewart)

I use this site when I get a email that someone has posted a message. 

03/17/24 10:54 AM #192    


Sandra L Lagemann (Gottlob)

Like Marilyn, I too use the web site when I get a message that someone posted. Also browse occasionally when an old familiar name comes up. 

03/17/24 11:10 AM #193    


Pamela K Davitz

I do not use Facebook at all.

Like the previous responses, when I receive an email, I will go to this website and sometimes will browse thru!

03/17/24 02:47 PM #194    


William E Spooner

I use this class website. I also view FB sites that pertain to our class.

03/17/24 02:48 PM #195    


Janice A Corwin (Ayres)

I also use this site when something is posted to stay up to date.  I didn't know there was a Facebook page.

03/17/24 07:21 PM #196    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

Class Website vs Facebook

Thank you everyone for your great feedback on using both platforms. So glad both continue to be of  value.

For those that would like access, click here to access the Facebook page.

03/17/24 08:36 PM #197    


George D Depper

I stay logged in so I don't have to remember usernames and passcodes!

03/18/24 11:14 AM #198    

Susan M Kaar (Trainor)

I use this website.  Don't use the Facebook page at all.  

03/18/24 04:49 PM #199    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

Thank you everyone for your feedback on both platforms. It looks like one way or another, information is getting through both. 😎

03/19/24 09:06 AM #200    


Michael P Ivester

I use both the AHS site as well as Facebook.


03/19/24 10:38 AM #201    

Lee Russell

I use both Facebook and AHS. What is the goal of this survey??

03/19/24 10:51 AM #202    


Jeffery Gossett

I use the web site as I get an email notice someone has posted. I use facebook too but may not check the AHS site.

03/22/24 10:18 AM #203    

David R Stahlhut

I only use this website; no social media.

04/21/24 10:07 AM #204    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

Class call to arms…

We used to see each other every single day…for years! Now, we only have an opportunity to see each other every 5 years. To find out someone dear to us as a child is now facing a challenge - alone - can be heartbreaking, knowing that we would have been willing to be there for that person had we of known.

It’s no secret we are getting older. It’s also no secret that many of us are facing challenges. Some challenges are health related; some are loss; and some are mental or emotional challenges.

You’ve all seen my posts asking for prayers, but not naming anyone. It’s because they want to keep their challenge private…and that’s ok. Not everyone posts their life on social media. And just because someone posts family photos, vacations, memories, recipes, or wordy-challenges/games does not mean they are without challenge.

Privately, in the past year, we have had classmates have:

Open heart surgery,

Heart attack,



Loss of a spouse,

Loss of a sibling or child,



Multiple sclerosis,



Caring for a spouse,

..and more

Had we of reached out to each of the above people could it have made their journey a little less of a challenge? I’m betting it would have.

In high school we had clicks. Some say we still do. But isn’t it time to see the real picture…the real picture that we are all ONE…

One class…

in One town…

One group of friends…

at One school…

One entity that lived as only we could. 

We Are One.

If we could each put aside differences from so long ago and reach out to a classmate by text or phone…it might just make their day…and yours.

Anyone, anytime…call or text me. I always answer my phone: 904-487-8485

04/22/24 10:27 PM #205    

Cathy A Kochan (Kitsch)

Love this Diana! ❤️

05/06/24 12:35 AM #206    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

05/08/24 03:01 AM #207    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

Dear Classmates,

There is a new post on our private Facebook Group Page that is asking for feedback. It will NOT be posted on this website.

If you would like to have a voice, please call, text, or email me, or contact one of our classmates that does use the FB platform to give your feedback.

A link to the specific post is on FB is: Class Reunion Feedback
NOTE: If you have "blocked" me on FB, you will not see the post. Contact me privately and I will send you the details.
Diana Maul Halstead

05/08/24 10:46 AM #208    


George D Depper

Never showed up on the page!

05/21/24 06:39 PM #209    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

~ Reunion Update ~

To coincide with the All ’60’s & 70’s Block Party NEXT year, we have moved our 55th reunion to FRIDAY, September 19th - 2025. And...making this change reduced the cost. Yay!

NOTE: for the cruise, only 40 people will be allowed to register. (We already have about 25 registrations for the cruise.)

06/02/24 08:26 AM #210    


Diana M Maul (Halstead)

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